The following “SME Toolkit” is a very useful website (
developed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) jointly with IBM suitable for Self-Learning in Business Planning, Market Development, Exporting, Accounting and Finance, etc. Member companies will greatly benefit by viewing it intensively and learning various techniques.
For details, please visit the website of IFC-IBM (
Self-Learning exercises on:
Accounting & Finance - Business Planning-Human Resources-Exporting-Legal & Insurance-Marketing & Sales-Operations-Technology
e-Learning- Start Business-Create a Business Plan-Get Access to Finance-Grow Your Business-Women in Business
[Source: IFC “SME Toolkit”: See more at:]
ITC, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Geneva: ITC, 2009
The following guide book for exporting SMEs is a useful document
of ITC. It can be viewed by visiting ITC website
A ”Guide dealing with the processes involved in obtaining finance for exporting SMEs-explains the credit process of financial institutions from pre-application to loan repayment; examines the SME sector and barriers to finance, as well as the risks in lending to the SME sector as perceived by the financial institutions; addresses SMEs’ internal assessment of financial needs, determining the right financing instruments, and finding the appropriate lenders and service providers; discusses how to approach and negotiate with banks; tackles cash flow and risk management issues; includes examples of real-life business plans and loan requests; includes bibliography (p. 134)”
Descriptors: Trade Financing, Export Financing, Export Credit, Risk Management, SMEs, Manuals.
Also review ITC’s Market Analysis Tools, as shown below:
Register Your Company on ITC-Kompass in the list of EXIM Companies for more than 60 undernoted countries.
Data on importing and exporting companies for more than 60 countries.
Users can identify potential trading partners through detailed company data for most products available in Trade Map.
Steps to register your company: 1. Enter www.trademap/stcompanies.aspx 2. Click on “Kompass International” appearing at the end of the Page. 3. View the Box “KOMPASS” Register Your Company. Click and follow the direction. |
(Owner: ITC Trade Map, Geneva :